How to upgrade HostX WHMCS 7.9 Patch? Drucken

  • 14

As you all know that we have released the WHMCS 7.9 Compatible HostX version, so here is the detailed procedure to do the upgrade.

Users who are already using HostX and upgrading to WHMCS 7.9 needs to download only the patch files


Procedure for the users who did not customize HostX[edit]

Step 1: Download the patch

Step 2: Extract the patch files

Step 3: Take a Complete Backup of your WHMCS Instance (Highly Recommended)

Step 4: Override the template folder at whmcsdir/templates/

Step 5: Override the orderform folder at whmcsdir/templates/orderform

Please note: Users with customizations do not need to worry as these files will not be overridden during this upgrade.

Procedure for the users who customized HostX[edit]

Step 1: Download the patch

Step 2: Extract the patch files

Step 3: Take a Complete Backup of your WHMCS Instance (Highly Recommended)

Step 4: Override the templates folder whmcsdir/templates/hostx (Please note you need to take a backup of the customized files, after upgrading you can upload the backup files again)

Step 5: Override the templates folder whmcsdir/templates/orderform/hostx (Please note you need to take a backup of the customized files, after upgrading you can upload the backup files again)

Step 6: If anyone has customized CSS (custom.css), take a backup.

Step 7: Open patch custom.css in editor and find the comment (/******** whmcsv 7.9.X *********/)

WHMCS 7.9 CSS Changes.png

Step 8: Copy the CSS after the comment and place it in your custom.css file and save it.

You HostX is now upgraded to WHMCS 7.9 Version.

Please Note: Users with customized color scheme and customized header/footer do not need to worry as these files will not be override during this upgrade.


Users who have hardcoded the HostX template or orderform files, please check the detailed upgrade release note that we followed while creating this patch. You need to check these files and override them accordingly to save your customizations.


-> Added Tax filed and fontawesome fas fontawesome


-> Put condition for add credit

3) clientareaproductdetails.tpl

-> Added metices feature

4) clientareaproductusagebilling.tpl

-> New file added

5) usagebillingpricing.tpl

-> New file added

6) creditcard.tpl

-> Removed all content from file.

7) footer.tpl

-> Added code for full page overlay.

8) includes/captcha.tpl

-> Add Systemurl dynmic variable

9) invoice-payment.tpl

-> New file added

10) Add New folder payment with files

11) oauth/css/index.php

-> path in file changed

12) store/codeguard/index.php

-> New File added

13) store/css/index.php

-> path in file changed

14) store/order.tpl

-> Static text according to language variable and other changes

15) store/promos/index.php

-> path changed inside code

16) store/sitelock/index.php

-> path changed inside code

17) store/sitelockvpn/

-> Added whole folder

18) store/spamexperts/index.php

-> path changed inside code

19) store/ssl/index.php

-> path changed inside code

20) store/ssl/index.tpl

-> Added class with p tag and jquery changes accordingly

21) store/ssl/shared/index.php

-> path changed inside code

22) viewinvoice.tpl

-> Panel is added (fullpage-overlay - code added)

Orderform changes

1) checkout.tpl

-> Added email value parameter

-> Added tax field with condition

-> Change in the gateway part

2) complete.tpl

-> Added Code for express checkout

-> Added code for express checkout error

3) configureproduct.tpl

-> Added metices functionality

4) domain-renewals.tpl

-> Added condition for renewals options

5) domainregister.tpl

-> Added condition for captcha

-> Added system URL for captcha image

6) domaintransfer.tpl

-> Added system url

7) viewcart.tpl

-> added domain renewal language

-> express checkout code added

Please Note: Users with customized color scheme and customized header/footer do not need to worry as these files will not be override during this upgrade.

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